dimanche 25 janvier 2015


Sin Free - Red)

Ingredients :
4-5oz Lean Bacon
2 thighs or 1 chicken breast
3 eggs
8oz v.l.f. cottage cheese
Seasoning to taste

Method :
Slightly grill the bacon and chop it up.
Chop the chicken into bite size pieces and using Fry light, fry them.
Beat the eggs and add the cottage cheese, then add the bacon and chicken.
Mix everything together and pour into a Flan dish.
Cook in a preheated oven at 200oC, 4000F or Gas Mark 6 for 15 minutes
(ensuring the chicken is cooked through).

samedi 24 janvier 2015


3.5 sins per serving
(Serves 6)

Crushed sultana bran mixed with toffee muller yoghurt put in the bottom of a
shallow glass bowl.
Compress it so it resembles a cheesescake base.
Slice bananas and arrange on top.
Then mix one sachet of sugar free toffee and banana angel delight with a
sachet of options chocolate caramel drink and 1/2 pint of skimmed milk.
Whisk until thickened … pour over bananas … chill and serve.